Inclusive Defense Training 1.5 low-light

Oklahoma City Gun Club Training Range 12465 E Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK, United States

This class is a 4 hour Range session to practice basic marksmanship and drawing from the holster, usually focused on some particular aspect of defensive firearms use.  This one is focused on low-light environments and use of a handgun within them. Focus:  Safety, gun-handling, administrative processes, marksmanship, drawstroke and reholstering demo and practice. Cost for this […]

Inclusive Defense Training 1.5

Oklahoma City Gun Club Training Range 12465 E Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK, United States

This class is a 4 hour Range session to practice basic marksmanship and drawing from the holster, usually with focus on a particular aspect of defensive firearm use (movement, distance, etc.). Focus:  Safety, gun-handling, administrative processes, marksmanship, drawstroke and reholstering demo and practice. IMPORTANT:  In order to take this class you must have already taken Inclusive […]

Inclusive Defense Training 2

Inclusive Defense Training II builds on the knowledge and skills presented and practiced in Inclusive Defense Training I, adding in some movement, weapon retention, edged weapons, pre-attack engagement (cues and strategies), pepper spray use and selection, and trauma response (medical). Focus:  Safety, gun-handling,  administrative processes, marksmanship, one-handed shooting, shooting with the non-dominant hand, movement, and […]

Inclusive Defense Training 4 – Active Shooter Response

Oklahoma City Gun Club Training Range 12465 E Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK, United States

Many people are concerned about the possibility of being caught in or around and active shooter/spree killer/active murderer event.  Is it possible to survive and even to prevail over a shooter armed with a long gun? We believe, based on documented cases, that it is. In this class we will explore techniques for engaging active […]