Inclusive Defense Training I

Oklahoma City Gun Club Training Range 12465 E Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK, United States

This class is our flagship block of instruction.  9 hours with a working lunch and at least 2 blocks of range time, this class is designed to take students from zero or limited familiarity with handguns to drawing from the holster and putting rounds on target accurately. Focus: Safety, gun-handling, legal use of force, administrative processes, […]

Inclusive Defense Training 2

Oklahoma City Gun Club Training Range 12465 E Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK, United States

Inclusive Defense Training 2 builds on the knowledge and skills presented and practiced in Inclusive Defense Training I, adding in some movement, weapon retention, edged weapons, pre-attack engagement (cues and strategies), pepper spray use and selection, and trauma response (medical). Focus:  Safety, gun-handling,  administrative processes, marksmanship, one-handed shooting, shooting with the non-dominant hand, movement, and […]

Inclusive Defense Training 2

Oklahoma City Gun Club Training Range 12465 E Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK, United States

Inclusive Defense Training II builds on the knowledge and skills presented and practiced in Inclusive Defense Training I, adding in some movement, weapon retention, edged weapons, pre-attack engagement (cues and strategies), pepper spray use and selection, and trauma response (medical). Focus:  Safety, gun-handling,  administrative processes, marksmanship, one-handed shooting, shooting with the non-dominant hand, movement, and […]

Inclusive Defense Training 4 – CANCELLED – Active Shooter Response

Oklahoma City Gun Club Training Range 12465 E Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK, United States

Many people are concerned about the possibility of being caught in or around and active shooter/spree killer/active murderer event.  Is it possible to survive and even to prevail over a shooter armed with a long gun? We believe, based on documented cases, that it is. In this class we will explore techniques for engaging active […]

Inclusive Defense Training 1.5

Oklahoma City Gun Club Training Range 12465 E Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK, United States

This class is a 4 hour Range session to practice basic marksmanship and drawing from the holster, usually with focus on a particular aspect of defensive firearm use (movement, distance, etc.). Focus:  Safety, gun-handling, administrative processes, marksmanship, drawstroke and reholstering demo and practice. IMPORTANT:  In order to take this class you must have already taken Inclusive […]